What are Verdia Investing alerts?
Verdia Investing alerts are emails that are sent to our subscribers that detail the investment (stock trade) we are making.

When are Verdia Investing alerts sent?
Verdia Investing alert emails are typically issued Monday - Friday during the normal market hours of 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM  (Eastern Time - USA). We typically send these alerts 15 minutes before we make the same investment.

How are Verdia Investing alerts issued?
Verdia Investing trade alerts are issued to our subscribers by email.

How many Verdia Investing alerts will I receive?
On average, over the course of a year we typically issue 1 Verdia Investing Alert email per week (52 per year).

What does a Verdia Investing Alert look like.
Here is a sample Verdia Investing Alert.

What are your investing returns?
Our investing returns vary from year to year. Here is a recent Annual Report and our most recent Investing Returns.

How many companies do you invest in?
On average, we typically select 4-6 companies or ETF’s per year to invest in. We are very selective, so limiting the amount of companies or ETF’s we invest in keeps things simple.

How do you choose an online brokerage?
We use Think or Swim by TD Ameritrade. However, there are a number of reputable online brokers to choose from. Their representatives will help answer any questions you may have. Here is a list: Online Stock Brokerages

How do I learn to buy and sell the stocks that you feature in your Verdia Investing Alerts?
To learn how to place buy and sell orders in your brokerage account we recommend contacting your brokerage. It is quite easy, they can walk you through the entire process and answer any questions you may have.

What to do after receiving a Verdia Investing alert?*
When you receive a Verdia Investing Alert email, click the big orange button in the email to view the Verdia Investing Alert and see what company we will be buying or selling. If you decide to place a trade, simply log-in to your brokerage account and place your trade.
*Verdia Investing is an investing newsletter that regularly publishes trading signals and general investing commentary. Verdia does not provide individual investment advice.

How do you manage money?
Money management is a very important part of the investing process. We want to maximize gains and minimize losses, all while consistently growing our account balance. As a rule of thumb, we recommend a brokerage account with a minimum balance of $10,000.

Having a consistent money management strategy is a very good idea. Our money management strategy is typically “20%”, which means we allocate no more than 20% of our brokerage balance to a single trade. So, for this example let’s say we are investing in 5 companies and we have $10,000 in our brokerage account. We divide our $10,000 by our 5 companies which allocates $2,000 per company (20% per company). So, when our first Verdia Investing Buy Alert is issued for “Company 1” we will buy $2,000 worth of the Company 1’s stock. So, as the year progresses and we continue to invest in Company 1 and that $2,000 grows/shrinks, so will the amount we will invest in Company 1 with each subsequent Verdia Investing Buy Alert. This approach allows us to allocate a certain amount of money to each of our 5 companies while also limiting overall capital risk to around 20%.

How do you place trades?
Placing the trade is a very important part of the investing process. We want to utilize a strategy, maximize gains / minimize losses, and simplify our trading process.

When you receive our Verdia Investing Alerts you can determine if you would like to place the stock trade. If so, simply log-in to your brokerage account and place your trade. We place the trades listed in each Verdia Investing Alert 15 minutes after the Verdia Investing Alert is sent to our subscribers.

How do you track your investments?
Tracking our stock trades is another very important part of the investing process. We want to keep a record of what we have bought/sold, when we bought/sold it, the results of each trade, and the results of our trades as a whole. We use a spreadsheet to track our trades (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Apple Numbers). For example, we have a master spreadsheet that is divided into individual sheets for each company we are trading and a sheet for overall account performance.

How do you enter a stock trade (buy)?
To learn how to place buy orders in a brokerage account we recommend contacting your brokerage. It is quite easy, they can walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

How do you exit a stock trade (sell)?
To learn how to place sell orders in a brokerage account we recommend contacting your brokerage. It is quite easy, they can walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

How long does it take to place a stock trade?
Typically, entering a position (buy) will take about 5 minutes. Exiting a position (sell) will take about 1 minute. We also allocate about 5 minutes for money management and trade tracking. Overall, an entire trade should take no more than 15 minutes. It’s quick and easy.

How long do you typically hold an investment?
On average, we hold our investments between 2 weeks to 2 months. However, there have been investments that we have held less than a week and as long as 9 months. Hold time will depend on market conditions and our investing decisions.

How do you calculate your investing returns?
To calculate our Return On Investment (ROI) we take the final value of the investment and subtract it from the initial value of the investment. Then divide that number by the initial value of the investment. Then multiply that number by 100.

For example, let’s say we bought 1 share of stock for $200 and later sold that 1 share for $250: ($250 - $200) / $200 * 100 = 25% ROI.

Do you lose money?
The short answer is yes. All investors will lose money from time to time. However, by utilizing our proprietary research and technical analysis our goal is to make money and maximize gains while minimizing any potential losses. We like to limit any potential losses to no more than 3% per trade. For example, if we buy $20,000 worth of a company’s stock we will exit the trade if we lose -$600 or -3% ($19,400). We keep a watchful eye on our trades.

What are the Verdia Investing subscription fees and details?
We offer 6 month and 1 year subscriptions. 6 months is $149 and 1 year is $199. Subscriptions will renew automatically at the 6 month or 1 year date.

Do you invest in the same companies you highlight in your Verdia Investing Alerts?
Yes, Verdia Investing Alerts are the actual investments that we make ourselves. 15 minutes before we make our investments, we share them with our Verdia subscribers by email.

Are you registered or licensed?
We are Licensed/Registered Investment Advisors. However, even though we are investment advisors, we are not your investment advisor. Verdia Investing is an investing newsletter that publishes trading signals and investing commentary. Verdia does not provide individual investment advice.

How do I adjust my Verdia Investing subscription?
To adjust your Verdia Investing membership subscription click the link in your subscription billing email. You can also contact us and we will be happy to help.

What are the qualities of a successful investor:

  • Be Diligent. Successful trading and investing is similar to successful dieting and exercise; the more you stick with it the better the results.

  • Be Strategic. Successful traders have a strategy and stick with it; this reduces the guess-work and emotions of trading.

  • Be Organized. An organized trader is a smart trader, and a smart trader is a successful trader.

  • Be Realistic. You’ll win some and you’ll lose some. The goal is to win more than you lose.

  • Be Calm. Don’t let your emotions interfere with your trades. Have a strategy and stick to it.

What if I have questions?
If you have additional questions about Verdia Investing just contact us. We are always glad to help answer your questions.


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