What is Verdia’s InvestPro and what are InvestPro Reports?
Verdia’s InvestPro is an investing subscription service and InvestPro Reports contain exclusive access to a collection of our investing research and analysis. InvestPro Reports feature our detailed analysis of what companies to buy and when to buy them. InvestPro Reports also contains the companies we are investing in and the trades we are making.
When is Verdia InvestPro sent to subscribers?
Verdia InvestPro reports are available to our subscribers 24/7 via a link provided. InvestPro reports, analysis, and investments are updated and emailed on the 1st of each month to our subscribers.
What does a Verdia InvestPro Report look like.
Here is a sample Verdia InvestPro Report.
What are the Verdia Investing subscription fees and details?
We offer 6 month and 1 year subscriptions. 6 months is $149 and 1 year is $199. Subscriptions will renew automatically at the 6 month or 1 year date.
What are your investing returns?
Our investing returns vary from year to year. Here are our most recent Investing Returns.
How many companies do you invest in?
On average, we typically select 4-6 companies per year to invest in. We are very selective, so limiting the amount of companies we invest in keeps things simple.
How do you choose an online brokerage?
We use Think or Swim by Schwab. However, there are a number of reputable online brokers to choose from. Their representatives will help answer any questions you may have. Here is a list: Online Stock Brokerages
How do I learn to buy and sell the stocks that you feature in InvestPro?
To learn how to place buy and sell orders in your brokerage account we recommend contacting your brokerage. It is quite easy, they can walk you through the entire process and answer any questions you may have.
Do you lose money?
The short answer is yes. All investors will lose money from time to time. However, by utilizing our proprietary research and technical analysis our goal is to make money and maximize gains while minimizing any potential losses.
Do you invest in the same companies you highlight in Verdia InvestPro?
Yes, we invest in the companies we feature in InvestPro.
Are you registered or licensed?
We are Licensed/Registered Investment Advisors. However, even though we are investment advisors, we are not your investment advisor. Verdia Investing is an investing newsletter that publishes investing research and investing commentary. Verdia does not provide individual investment advice.
How do I adjust my Verdia Investing subscription?
To adjust your Verdia InvestPro subscription click the link in your subscription billing email. You can also contact us and we will be happy to help.
What if I have questions?
If you have additional questions about Verdia Investing just contact us. We are always glad to help answer your questions.
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