Verdia Investing

Personal Investing Made Easy

Get advanced access to each investment we make. Verdia Investing™ is the answer for those who would rather just invest than do hours of stock research and analysis. Our proprietary research identifies high-performing companies and our cutting-edge technical analysis indicates the right time to buy and sell those companies. We share these investments with our subscribers.


Start Investing Today

The goal of our personal investing service is to make buying and selling stocks easy and rewarding for everyday investors. We do all the research and analysis, eliminating the time consuming and complex work of traditional investing. All you have to do is place your stock trades.

STEP 1 - Become A Member
Subscribe to Verdia Investing and you’ll get advance access to each investment we make, along with all the benefits of our exclusive membership.

STEP 2 - Start Investing
You will receive our Verdia Investing Alerts detailing what we are buying and selling, easily helping you to jump-start your personal investing.

Our Objectives

When we founded Verdia it was essential that we achieve 3 main objectives: We wanted to create a personal investing service that would help our members and everyday investors take control of their financial future. In addition, we wanted to develop a investing service that would eliminate the time consuming research and analysis involved in personal investing. Lastly, we wanted to reduce the exorbitant fees charged by investment advisors and stock brokers. We are proud to say that we have achieved each of our objectives.



We grew tired of relying on fund managers and investment advisors for our returns. We created Verdia Investing so we could make our own decisions. Last year our investing returns were up +68%, while the S&P 500 lagged far behind at +23%.

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We all lead busy lives so we created a stock market investing service that is easy and efficient for our subscribers. Traditional investing can take as much as 1 hour per day. Our subscribers spend on average just 15 minutes per week on their investing.

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Investment advisors can be very expensive so we developed a subscription service that costs a fraction of what the so-called pros charge. A fee-based investment advisor can charge at least $6,000/year. Our service is priced as low as $149/year.

Our Returns

Our focus on investing in fundamentally strong, high-growth companies that are trading at deep discounts has consistently delivered impressive returns. Last year, utilizing our proprietary research and technical analysis, Verdia Investing saw a return of +68.26% while the S&P 500 lagged far behind (Chart 1).

In addition, utilizing our cutting-edge investing research and analysis along with Verdia Investing alerts, our 5-year annual compounded growth has far outpaced the market. For the last 5 years our compounded growth rate is at +63%, while the S&P 500 is at +13% (Chart 2). View Latest Verdia Investing Returns


1 year returns


5 year growth


Our Mission

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“The investments we share with our members are the same investments we make ourselves.” 

-Ryan Goan, Verdia Founder and Director of Strategy

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